comPOSERS is the creative outlet for three bored musically-inclined friends: producer/composer Aaron deGroot, musician/writer Alex Krueger, and songwriter/film aficionado Jay Lang. Each episode we choose a film and score to discuss, the only criteria being one or both have to be worth discussing.
We used to use a complicated scorecard to rate these film scores, but we tossed that out a while ago. Instead, we use the original four categories (enjoyment, originality, music to film, and cultural importance) to guide our discussion of the great and not-so-great parts of the movie's music, leaving you with an aggregate percentage at the end, because we all love aggregates!
The perfect score has yet to be found, but there's a lot of great music and a lot of great movies to enjoy (or skewer) along the way. Welcome, listeners, to comPOSERS: the Movie Score Podcast.